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How to Stay Sane, Focused, and Optimistic When the World is Difficult (and it's the Holidays!)

December 14, 2023 at 1:00pm ET via Zoom

Even when things are chaotic and we feel exhausted, the good news is that each of us has more control than we think. By using simple evidence-based techniques, we can bolster our moods, develop stronger relationships, create more meaning at work, and achieve more.  

Learn how to set yourself up for fulfillment and success no matter what comes your way or who you’re dealing with.  Join positive psychology expert and executive coach, Stella Grizont, for an interactive session on how to not just cope, but to thrive, even when things get hard.  

You'll learn how to:

  •  Amplify your emotional well-being and improve your mood with easy research-based practices that take less than one minute
  •  Deal with anxiety in healthy ways so you can stay focused and resilient
  •  Feel more in control, confident, and productive even in during times of uncertainty and change
  •  Steer your career to feel more engaged and fulfilled today and in your future 
  •  Deepen social bonds and your sense of support with colleagues

You'll receive a PDF recap of each tool and access to a recording.